Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Hillary Clinton's Republican Fan Club?

I'm so sorry I haven't updated more recently. I've been busy with law school financial aid stuff--more work than the actual school applications, by the way. But I promise to make up for it with lots of stuff right now. In fact, I have so much to include that I think I'll split it in to 2 posts.

The really big news that I didn't get posted in here was that a recent USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll found Hillary Clinton to be the leading Democratic candidate for 2008. She is expected to be a virtual shoe-in for the Democratic nomination if she runs, according to USA Today.

Meanwhile, another recent poll found that Americans are ready for a female president, and Hillary Clinton is the number one choice. Read all about it here: WNYT News-Albany.

Here's a great editorial from a Minnesota paper about Hillary's strength as a presidential candidate. I love the title: "Hillary Could Be the Right Woman at the Right Time"

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